
Neuroarchitecturing™ aims to change negative thought patterns and behavior by rewiring the neural connections in the brain. It is meant to help people create new, positive neural pathways and replace limiting beliefs or behavior. This process may lead to personal growth, improved emotional well-being, and increased resilience. It is a multimodal dynamic approach which includes a dual hemispheric meditation, neurographic creative art and body activating strategies such as vagal toning.

This is great news as this means we can change our old stories and thought patterns and rewire our brains.

Dr. Connie Woythal has created a unique form of whole brain meditation. She is available for private or group sessions in person or online. Topics may include the Foundations of Neuroarchitecturing™, Dealing Effectively with Change, Enhancing Health and Immunity, Developing a New Relationship with Money and Abundance, Stress Relief, Making Peace with Grief, New Body Image, Handling Anxiety and Learning New Habits.  When working privately, Dr. Connie will develop a unique Neuroarchitecturing™ meditation based on the specific desires and/or needs of the client.

“Every time you take in the sense of feeling safe, satisfied, or connected, you stimulate responsive circuits in your brain.” –Rick Hanson

"To become happier, wiser, and more loving, sometimes you have to swim against ancient currents within your nervous system.”

–Rick Hanson


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