Hello & Welcome!

I’m happy you stopped by for a visit. My guess is that since you landed here you are searching for a life coach and/or a Neuroarchitecturing Meditation Guide. I am here to help you. Let’s co-create the life you want — a life filled with joy, peace, and happiness.



My Services



Neuroarchitecturing™ aims to change negative thought patterns and behavior by rewiring the neural connections in the brain. It is meant to help people create new, positive neural pathways and replace limiting beliefs or behavior.


Dr. Connie Woythal Life Coaching

Life Coaching

I empower you to move forward in a trajectory that will best meet your goals and objectives. I invest myself in your personal growth. With my unique set of skills and knowledge, I work to assist you in moving forward to live your best life possible.


Programs and Workshops

Programs & Workshops

I am excited to offer a variety of classes on Neuroarchitecturing as well as Positive Psychology. I can personalize any of these to meet your needs or we can discuss developing one just for you or your organization.


"The value of a life is best measured by the moments spent giving one’s self… Sharing wisdom, inspiring hope, wiping tears, and touching hearts."

–David L. Weatherford


About Dr. Connie Woythal

Dr. Connie Woythal

Hi, I´m Connie, a Life Coach, Psychologist and Neuroarchitecturing Meditation Guide.

I am pleased that your search for a life coach has brought you here. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I have been involved in psychology in some form or another for over 30 years. First, I received a BS degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Then, I earned a Specialist Degree (Masters of Science in Education plus an additional 30 credits) in School Psychology from the University of Wisconsin in River Falls. Then, I completed my doctorate in clinical psychology (PsyD) at the Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology, which is located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

My approach is simple I focus on an individual’s strengths. I take the time necessary to get to know each person so that I can look at the world from their point of view. When I look at the world from their point of view, I can suggest strategies and tools that fit with the individual. The basis of any coaching relationship, in my opinion, is really getting to know the client – their likes and dislikes, their challenges, their strengths, and core beliefs or values.


Client Success Stories

Lori Hamann“Dr. Connie and her Neurosculpting process is simply fabulous. Every single one of us carries stories, beliefs, and experiences within us that have the power to disrupt our happiness and success. But with leading edge tools like Neurosculpting, and a mindful, caring facilitator like Connie… we can finally remove some of the blocks that hold us back (without years of therapy). I’ve known Dr. Connie for a long time and have witnessed the change that can happen on a deep level with her work. Excellent!”


Audrey Long“In her Positive Psychology workshops, Dr. Woythal shared many, many positive steps and practices, which helped me to set and validate my intentions to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. Going through the exercises of identifying my key strengths and values and targeting my needs and desires were “eye-opening” in better understanding myself. I became more aware of those expectations that undermined my enjoyment and gratitude. Techniques cultivating gratitude and mindfulness and, also, savoring pleasure were explored, and I have been able to integrate many of them into my daily life. These workshops have helped me to increase the joy in my life, plus they were FUN!”


Amy M. Endru DC“Renewing my mind daily has been a practical daily application for my optimal mental health and techniques I have learned from Neurosculpting assist in my process. I found the “grounding cord analogy” especially therapeutic. I definitely would recommend Neurosculpting for anyone on their path to a positive balanced life.”


Lorrie Ransome, PhD“Connie’s workshops on positive psychology have been as delightful as they are educational. Connie’s teaching style weaves great humor and great wisdom. Each positive psychology topic is introduced with clear insightful description, which in itself evolves these issues from vague desirable attributes to meaningful values, wisdom, and strengths.  Connie brings the topics alive with personal relevance and social usefulness. The class exercises further promote a personalized, experiential relationship with the material. Excellent handout materials and references enable one to pursue topics deeper on one’s own after class, and really incorporate them into one’s life.

Thank you Connie! I’m honored and grateful for you too.”


Elise Cantrell“Dr. Connie made positive psychology practical, doable, and applicable to my daily life. The experiential activities we did were fun, but also left me with many ‘aha’ moments. I was able to carry away so much from the classes and use it to enhance my life and that of my family.”


Barb Techel“After the loss of my dog, Gidget, I took part in a Neurosculpting session with Connie. I’ve always been open to different modalities to help in healing and moving forward. The session with Connie was a mix of a welcome surprise, deep introspect, embracing grief, and shifting in consciousness of the gifts grief is, and how it helps us in being present. The associations offered during different meditations and visualizations that Connie took me through opened channels of awareness that have guided me and stay with me today in a positive way. I felt more centered and peaceful after my session and highly recommend this to anyone moving through grief.”


Holistic Dentistry“The Deep Dive into Living a Grateful Life workshop helped put things into perspective. You can show gratitude to anybody and you can be grateful for anything. I was able to not only apply some of your exercises in my professional life but also in my personal life. When you presented this workshop at Holistic Dentistry of Port Washington it happened to be within my first few weeks of working with Dr. Railand and the Team. It opened my eyes to a new world. Being at a company for many, many years and never receiving gratitude, made me self reflect and ask myself, Did I show it enough to my own team, family, or people in general? Again, thank you for some of the exercises that we practiced. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. Thank you!”


Joan B “The Neurosculpting sessions that I participated in with Dr. Connie were interesting and relaxing. She presented and led activities in a very caring and thoughtful way. I learned some new information about the brain that helped me better understand some of my past experiences and should be of benefit in future situations.”


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Ready to make a change in your life ?

I invite you to embark on a journey to your best life with me.


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