Have you ever been in a situation where you enter a room and suddenly your mood changes dramatically? I mean from being contented and relaxed to frustrated and anxious. This happens to me quite often, especially when I’m in an unfamiliar environment with people I don’t know well or don’t know at all. It’s an uncomfortable and perhaps a disturbing feeling.
I tried all kinds of things to try to shield myself from all the negative energy in that environment from going off and standing a corner, making frequent trips to the restroom to calm down, to seeking assistance from others. And really all of these strategies worked somewhat but it wasn’t until I learned some grounding and protective tools from Neurosculpting® that I got relief.
So, let me tell you about My Michelin Man. Each Neurosculpting® meditation is labeled or named by the individual. In this meditation we were invited to create some sort of bubble that would protect us from negative energy or other unwanted things in the environment. Lisa Wimberger, the founder of Neurosculpting®, led us through this meditation, offering some suggestions for creating our bubble. The image that came up for me was that of the Michelin Man and thus, I named my meditation My Michelin Man.
Now, whenever I’m know I’m going to be in an unfamiliar environment with people I don’t know well or not at all or with people who are energy sappers, I prepare myself by using the My Michelin Man meditation. Another useful part of the Neurosculpting® process is tapping parts of the body where the person notices activation or some body sensations with the non-dominant hand. So, if I’m in this unfamiliar environment and I can’t actually go into a meditative state, I tap those parts of my body that I originally tapped in the My Michelin Man meditation—I’ve made an association so by tapping the body, I can easily be reminded of My Michelin Man meditation and calm down. Visualizing My Michelin Man image at those times also helps to ground me which allows me to stay relaxed.
For me, the tools that Neurosculpting® has provided for me have been transformational. This is just one example.